First Prize Winners!
5th Rising Stars Dance Competition, China
As part of OIBA’s 2024 Cultural Tour, fourteen OIBA dancers competed in the 5th Rising Stars Dance Competition and performed in the Gala performance in Dongguan, Guandung, China, sweeping prizes throughout!
OIBA dancers ranked FIRST PLACE out of the 140 competitors, receiving the highest Jury prize.
OIBA students won:
3 Rising Stars awards
2 group dance Gold awards
4 soloist Gold awards
2 soloist Silver awards
Fourteen OIBA dancers have been invited to the prestigious YAGP Finals, taking place in Tampa this April!
2024 Youth America Grand Prix — Los Angeles
Inari Watkins (pictured) placed in the top 12 in the Senior Contemporary Female category.
Petra Widman placed in the top 24 in the Pre-Competitive Classical category.
2024 Youth America Grand Prix — Seattle
Chloe Ohira won third place in the contemporary dance category at the Seattle 2024 YAGP Semi-Final and placed in the top 24 women in the classical dance category.
2023 Youth America Grand Prix
Inari Watkins (pictured above) won the 2023 YAGP Seattle Semi-Final, Junior Age Division, Contemporary Dance Category Top 12, performing Ye's original choreography.
Students Fiona Zhang and Tomo Yamaoka (pictured below) also earned a spot in the Pre-Competitive age division!
Ongoing Success
OIBA-trained students have continued their education at many prestigious institutions:
Ballet West Academy
Kirov Academy of Ballet
The Joffrey Ballet Academy
The Pacific Northwest Ballet School
The School of American Ballet
The School of Oregon Ballet Theatre
San Francisco Ballet School
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Reed College
University of Arizona School of Dance
Yale University