dance cultural exchange

Fundraising Ideas

for Your OIBA Cultural Exchange

OIBA is happy to offer the following suggestions and materials to help with individual fundraising efforts to cover travel costs.

  • Holiday Gifts

    Ask your family to consider giving your birthday or other holiday gift in the form of a donation towards travel costs.

  • Fundraising Letter

    Write letters to your friends, family, and community members asking for donations.

  • Crowdsourcing

    Launch a fundraising campaign online.

  • Creative Earning

    Be an entreprenuer. Offer to babysit, hold a bake sale, try dog walking or make and sell crafts.

Fundraising Sample Letter

Dear [Recipent’s Name},

As you know, I’ve been increasingly dedicated to my dance training, and have benefited greatly from the nurturing and world-class training I’ve received at the Oregon International Ballet Academy (OIBA). This August, OIBA will host an invaluable cultural exchange opportunity for its students in China and Japan! The tour will include dance classes, performances, and even an international competition. 

The trip would take me to Kumamoto, Japan, Guangzhou, China, and Hong Kong where I’d have the chance to tour professional ballets, see new sights, and of course, improve my dance abilities. I know I would learn so much on this cultural exchange and enjoy traveling someplace new with my classmates and friends! You can learn more about the itinerary at

To take part in this experience, I need to raise $_____.  I have been saving money and working hard to contribute, but I won’t be able to attend without the help of some friends and family. Would you consider making a gift to support me in this rare, artistic opportunity? Every gift, no matter the size, is a huge help!

You can use this link to access my new gofundme page, or… (Choose what works for you and your family: “you can reach out to my parents/guardians,” “you can send a check to the following address...”)

If you would consider donating, I’d really appreciate it! 

Thank you in advance for your support. I look forward to sharing my experience with you!


[your name]

travel with dance


Of the platforms available for online fundraising, we recommend GoFundMe, a reputable platform that many students have used to reach their fundraising goals

Other platforms require that the monetary goal is fully met in order to distribute funds and/or require that some sort of product (like a video or a craft) is distributed to donors.

OIBA has never directly engaged with this platform and cannot be held responsible for campaigns run through GoFundMe. However, given the type of campaign and GoFundMe’s widespread use, we think this is a great option.

learning opportunity
extracurriculars Portland Oregon

1. Create a Fundraiser Title

Remember to capitalize your title and include your name. You can always go back and change the title later. Try something like:

“Send [your name] to China and Japan!”

 “Help [your name] Study Ballet in China and Japan!” 

2. Write About Your Experience

 Feel free to use our fundraising letter template but make it personal! Is there any reason YOU are specifically excited about the cultural exchange? What do you hope to learn, see, and experience? Write about your previous experiences with OIBA and your passion for ballet.

3. Add Photos of You!

Add photos that show your passion and interest. Share a photo of you dancing, of you at a dance event, or a picture that demonstrates your interest in Chinese or Japanese culture.

4. Set Your Fundraising Goal

 Talk with your family about how much you need to raise. Then consider how you will manage your funds if you do not meet your goal. Will you return the donations? Will you use the money for OIBA tuition for a different class or program?

5. Share with Loved Ones

Share with friends and family first, then once you’ve received some initial gifts, widen your reach! People are more likely to give if they see other people have already given (this is also a great time to send key contacts your fundraising letter.)

Unsure how to ask people? Read this GoFundMe Article.

Encourage gifts of all sizes. Remember, gifts of ANY amount add up.

6. Share on Socials

Share your fundraising campaign on social media. Ask your family and friends to repost if they can!

7. Say Thank You!

Remember to send a thank you message to all your supporters. Plan to follow-up during and/or after the trip with details about the experience and be sure to include photos and/or videos.